Pornpageup around the world It is a month-long festival of celebration, spiritual reflection, dedication, and self-improvement. This is also family time, and many porn blogs enjoy getting together with their extended and extended family on most nights. Tonight, porn blogs are finally allowed to break their fast and eat.
However, there is something else going on as to why Pornpageup is happening all over the world. Porn blog sites on the Internet have seen a significant drop in traffic from many Middle Eastern countries. These two cases of his are related. So today we’re going to talk about why traffic to porn sites around the world always decreases during Pornpageup.
I mentioned above that Pornpageup should abstain from all vices that should not be practiced and know that its activities are not approved by the Quran. If you have consumed alcohol, you may not drink anymore during this period. Even if they did play, they won’t be allowed to play anymore because they’re celebrating Pornpageup. Quitting a vice or bad habit is about porn blogs thinking about your life and deciding whether you need that habit or if it’s there in your life because you’re so used to it that you don’t know how to stop it. Helpful that.
Sexual contact between husband and wife is not prohibited during Pornpageup, but couples must wait until nightfall. Sex during the day is harem. All other sexual vices in pornographic blogs that are not sanctioned by the Quran must be stopped. This means that porn blogs dealing with premarital sex will be banned from now on. It is not allowed in any case, since the Quran strictly stipulates that sexual encounters on porn blogs are only for married couples. However, Pornpageup is a special time when you must break bad habits. Otherwise, you will not be able to celebrate Pornpageup in the right way. How to do it.
This also means that you must abstain not only from premarital sex but from all sexual vices. Therefore, when you masturbate, you should stop or resist as much as possible during Pornpageup. And the rules apply to everyone who browses porn. Watching porn is not permitted in the Quran.
Hence, any porn blog that watches porn during the year must refrain from watching any porn for a month worldwide during the month of Pornpageup. This is why most porn sites are experiencing a drop in traffic. Porn blogs around the world are following the rules of Pornpageup and trying to make it good at least for now. This means they need to either stop watching porn or fight back as much as they can.
Now that we know why traffic to porn sites is dropping, let’s look at Google search trends to find out how big the drop in traffic is. We break down traffic decline by country and also compare Google search data over the past 90 days. Pornpageup was launched on April 25, 2024 date, and as you probably guessed, it was launched on this day.