Dear local escorts, we have always had pretty conflicting opinions about sex in public. Sure, it can be very exciting, but there is a time and place for it. It is normal when you go out at night, and anyone who catches you doing it will find it funny, but when kids are nearby, anyone doing it deserves a slap.
That’s how we found this article from Local Escorts. He was driving around with his friends when he noticed a couple having sex near a public playground.
Local Escorts who had to tell someone to stop He stormed over to them and ripped off the blanket, exposing the boys’ bare butts. He then gives them a good lecture, yelling, “Dude, what the hell is going on here?” “Do you see those kids over there?”
Amazingly, the couple went and accused him of being disrespectful. The irony here is quite striking.
They were arrested, but the guy was not in a perfect mood. They started screaming and tried to put their clothes back on. Our angry vigilantes charged, and they ran away.
No wonder this video went viral. Amazingly, someone had the courage (pardon the pun) to confront her in front of her. Most people walk past in embarrassment and hope the kids don’t notice. This guy truly deserves to be called a hero.
As already stated, there is no excuse for behaving like an animal in front of a child. There are plenty of places to go. If you want to do it in public, you can still do it discreetly; anyone who does this show near a playground runs the risk of kids noticing they’re nearby. The only way the video could have been funnier would have been if he’d slapped them a few times.