You’ve probably had the thought before of staring into a sex cam and knowing what’s going to happen next. And you probably followed that thought right away with, “Oh, that’s a terrible idea. Let’s just do it Sex cams are a rite of passage for many of us. We do it, love it, or regret it, then forget how much it screwed us up, and do it again next time… and the next. Honestly, if you’ve ever really had a total break, you’re a stronger person than I am. Mind you, most people I know have come back to that terrible idea at one time or another. Should you? Well, maybe. The key to a potentially deplorable sex cam understands what is potentially deplorable about it. Knowing what will (or won’t) happen with it will help you make an informed decision Here are the kinds of sex cams we’ve all experienced because they’ll almost certainly result in some kind of hilarious regret.
“It takes 40 years to break up because it’s your first partner” Type
They say the first breakup is the deepest, and that’s probably because most of us go through that first breakup 10 million times to see if we’re ready to break up. Breaking up with your first partner can be a long experience because you can’t imagine ever feeling that way again. Spoiler alert: it will. But if it’s your first partner and you find yourself dating, having sex cam on camera, and getting back together again and again, you’re not alone.
Sometimes a sex camera can be your best buddy
You know what the other person likes, you know what works for them, and the intimacy you get from a fuck buddy is amazing. It can be funny, weird, and really fun. This is the best type of sex cam you can find – as long as you both want ton. Otherwise…
Yes, the ultimate sex cam scares. Sometimes you act nonchalant or tell yourself it’s true when you do want to get back together. It hurts like hell, and if you let it for too long, every step you take will hurt like hell. Get out of the affair before it’s too late.